They Said What?

Realizing that there is no perfect translation should bring us to a place of humility when approaching the Bible. We need to be cautious when quoting scripture in such a way that tries to claim power or authority because we may not be getting the intent or meaning of the text exactly right. We are imposing our own cultural ideals, expectations, and baggage upon the text when we read it, translate it, and that can skew the meaning(s).

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Breathing Out God

It is one thing to commit to a belief without any question, to blindly accept the tenets of a religious community. Some may say that such a level of belief takes a certain amount of courage. But to let go, to breath out God and to live as if there is no God or divine presence at all takes a different kind of courage. It is living in an isolation that might be liberating for some and terrifying for others.

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