Charleston Shooting - Pastors' Response

Because it is such a timely issue and because so many wonder about how to respond, we are posting this segment out of order. We hope that this conversation offers a platform for reflection. Racism is still a challenge for America and demands our attention on level of the small as well as the broad. Churches should be a place where people can have an honest conversation about racism,

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A Great Experience

One of the questions is how to honor one’s religious experience, make room for a diversity of experiences, and at the same time keep to a sense of tradition. Some experiences may not make sense in different traditions and that is ok. It is not saying that some are right and others are wrong, but more that some will or will not make sense depending on the context. 

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Holy Spirit Batman!

the Holy Spirit will move as it will and make things happen that we cannot explain. People will experience the Spirit differently and because it is quiet and calm does not make it wrong. Nor is it wrong if one’s experience of the Holy Spirit involves noise, dancing, and speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit can be experienced differently, but one form of experience should not be elevated above another.

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Losing Our Religion (That's Me In the Corner)

One of the contributions that Girard offers is a way of moving beyond our basic human instincts to be better, and to not copy the negative, destructive desires of humanity. The conundrum is that Girard suggests that it is through Christ and the cross that we are freed from the negative aspects of our mimetic desires, but it is done universally. So are we pushed beyond religion, or are we saved through a specific understanding of Christian religion?

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Ecumenical Ramblings

This is the second part of the conversation (see the previous episode) with the RialiageOpening the Word, and Watcha’ Into. These three think so much of themselves that that think it takes just an hour to talk about what is supposed to be filler for the podcast. Maybe the next time the three get together the focus of the conversation should be humility and brevity.

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Closed Fisted

It is important to remember that it was violence that was the cause of Christ’s death and he did not respond in kind. In his resurrection we do not find a response around the notion of “getting even” but instead around love and forgiveness. So many Christians seem to forget this, seem to embrace the violence that is very real in our world, and accept it as a given. Christ calls us to a better path.

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You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry...

There is a real problem with many aspects of Christianity (and other faith traditions) in that they are all too nice. It is this drive and desire to justify everything, to make all actions ok, and a underlying worry that everybody is always happy. Sometimes people need to be angry, sometime we need to criticize people’s actions, and sometimes everything is not ok. More than this, there are times when what we do can make God angry and it is appropriate to know this and to be realistic about it.

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Queen of the Sciences!

The point is, good theology, well articulated, well thought-out, well reasoned theology relies on philosophy for input, guidance, and direction. The problems that people like Kant, Hume, Wittgenstein, and others have worked on should have a good and strong influence on theology and can help one to think theologically in a good and critical fashion. In many ways the two are very closely related and are almost impossible to separate.

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