You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry...

Season 6, Episode 7 – An Angry Faith

Guest Host – Rev. Phineas Marr, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Kenosha, WI and Adjunct Professor of Religion at Carthage College


We welcome Phin back and look forward to him getting angry and bring out his inner New Jersey. It does not take long to make this happen. While it may not seem this way, Jonathan did not ask Phin back to the podcast just to make him angry, but to have a real, engaging conversation about the place of anger in faith.

There is a real problem with many aspects of Christianity (and other faith traditions) in that they are all too nice. It is this drive and desire to justify everything, to make all actions ok, and a underlying worry that everybody is always happy. Sometimes people need to be angry, sometime we need to criticize people’s actions, and sometimes everything is not ok. More than this, there are times when what we do can make God angry and it is appropriate to know this and to be realistic about it.

There is the problem of a judgmental Christianity that is often associate with the angry preacher place, and maybe Phin and Jonathan could have spent a little more time talking about this; maybe they could have discussed how to avoid a pious judgmental stance that pushes people out. What is refreshing is the idea that there is a place for anger and rage in faith. Look at the world, think about all the people who are doing stupid and selfish things, and then open your window and let the world know that you are, “Mad as Hell…”

Rialage –

Really? A Rialage in an episode that is focused on the angry side of faith? Yes, and this is one for the ages! Jonathan takes way too many digs at New Jersey (lighten up!), and then reminds people how stupid it is to not get your children vaccinated. Phin has problems with overinvolved and over-protective parents. If your child is 30 and still living in your basement, maybe it is your fault.


Matthew 10:34-39 – Down with family and up with Family Systems Theory!

Watcha’ Into

Phin is into the television show Constantine and real, classic, New York City Punk Music. None of this light and easy current Punk, but the hardcore stuff

Jonathan watched and enjoyed the movie Nebraska - it is true that black and white makes everything seem smarter


Again, thanks for listening. Check out the website: Send your comments and questions to (new e-mail address), and don’t forget to rate the show on iTunes.


Next episode: Violence and Religion with Andy Arndt