Kitchen Table Spirituality 26 - Learnin'

An evening devotional with pastors Jonathan Malone and Charley Eastman. Today’s topic - the importance of Christian Education.

Here are some of the links that Charley mentioned:

Books by Bob Pazmiño

Kid’s Bibles

Marcus Borg:

Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time

Reading the Bible Again for the First Time

Finally, here is the prayer that Jonathan read:

O my God, I confess that Thou canst enlighten my darkness. I confess that Thou alone canst. I wish my darkness to be enlightened. I do not know whether Thou wilt: but that Thou canst and that I wish, are sufficient reasons for me to ask, what Thou at least hast not forbidden my asking. I hereby promise that by Thy grace which I am asking, I will embrace whatever I at length feel certain is the truth, if ever I come to be certain. And by Thy grace I will guard against all self-deceit which may lead me to take what nature would have, rather than what reason approves.

-       John Henry Newman (1801-1890)