Honest Faith?

There is something refreshing about honesty in faith. So often we (religious folks) feel like we are supposed to show a certain aspect of who we are or create a religious façade to hide our spiritual faults, weaknesses, and questions. Meg Calvin shares who she is, her journey, and her continued struggles in her book, I Am My Own Sanctuary. She and Jonathan discuss her book in this episode. Make sure to check out Meg’s website to find out more about who she is and what she is up to.


Faith is a wonderful thing. Believing in God, in Jesus, and having a sense of belonging and being loved is a wonderful thing. Being a part of a church community can be a wonderful thing. Yet there is the risk and danger of being lured to a place of expectation and assumptions of what it means to be a person of faith. There are multiple expectations and assumptions that we layer on ourselves and others and that can become suffocating in our walk with God. Meg shares her story, her discoveries, her God-moments, in her own walk with an honesty and authenticity that is refreshing and inspiring. May we all find the courage to be honest and true to who we really are in our relationship with God.


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