History - New and Improved!


If you write a book then you will get on the podcast! Well, not completely, but it helps. Jonathan is joined by Curtis Freeman, the research professor of theology and Baptist studies and director of the Baptist House of Studies at the Divinity School at Duke University. And he has written a number of books.

For this conversation, Jonathan talks to Curtis about his book Contesting Catholicity: Theology for Other Baptists, which looks at Baptist history for a different vantage point and works to see a different way for many to understand Baptist identity.

For those of you who are not Baptist, this may get a little in the weeds and may seem a little deep, but stick with it. The questions that Curtis is asking are questions that can be asked from other perspectives and points of view. This is not just for Baptists but offers ways for others to do denominational work from their own context.

The ways that we do history impact and shape our understandings of who we are and how we are to be. It is important for us to be deliberate and critical about the questions we ask and the ways that we look to answer those questions.

As always, thanks for listening. Check out the website: www.twelveenough.com Send your comments and questions to twelveenough@gmail.com, and don’t forget to rate the show on iTunes.