Stop, Look, Listen

Pay close attention, this is something that I have to mention…

Alexis Donkin joins Jonathan for this episode. Alexis is an author and speaker and thinker and overall great person. She has just written a great curriculum to help people learn about their own faith as well as the faiths of others. Check out her website and the curriculum Six Degrees of Separation.


Riliage –

Jonathan wants the people in the US Senate to grow up and to confirm Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. They need to try modeling a better way of behaving and try to set a good example. Seriously, they are acting like a bunch of children!

Alexis is tired of the media attention that is being paid to “he who shall not be named.” The attention is part of the problem and feeding the negativity and needs to stop. Right. Now.



James 1:26 – it is not just saying that you believe, but showing that you believe and showing it well. Be kind to yourself and that will help you being kind to others.


Watcha’ Into

Alexis is into going for walks with her toddler, taking time on the walk, and enjoying the moments for pauses and rests… and Daredevil!

Jonathan is kinda into Sarah’s Key by Titiana DeRosnay – he gives it a solid “meh”


As always, thanks for listening. Check out the website: Send your comments and questions to, and don’t forget to rate the show on iTunes.

Next Episode – the deep conversation with Alexis Donkin on being in relationship with people of other faith traditions.