Read and Know and Understand

The sharing of one’s experience will never be full or complete. It will be imperfect as we see in many poorly written memoirs. No matter how much the author opens up, or anyone opens up and shares we can never fully know the other. No matter how much we strive to understand the plight and life and experiences of someone we can never presume to know what kind of hope they may embrace or desire. It will be imperfect, but that should not keep us for striving, with humility, to know and understand someone else, and then to listen for the hope that they desire.

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The Good Work of Doubt

 It is not easy to allow ourselves to doubt. In the realm of faith it means looking closely at what we believe and asking we can really embrace that faith. It means questioning many of the basic assumptions of our faith and that can be scary and challenging especially if it is a faith that we grew up with. Yet it could mean a deeper and mature hope on the other side.

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Locally Grown Classical Music

I believe that the arts are important for all people because they speak to a greater reality, a shared experience, and a way of living that we all encounter in a unifying way but can allow for a diversity of the experiences of the individual. The arts, when liberated from the constricting interpretations and demands of the ivory tower, can offer an experience of truth that is specific to the individual experiencing the music/painting, etc.

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Mo' Money, Mo' Faith

A mentor warned me of two sermons that bring fear and trembling to a pastor – the Easter sermon (because you can only do so much with the story and because you have a larger than normal audience and because most of them there are not committed Christians so you have to temper your sermon a different way than you would for the people who are there week after week, and because for some reason everyone expects your sermon to be so amazing that everyone who is there will be inspired to become a committed church member) and the Stewardship sermon because your salary depends upon it and the babies need to eat.

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